Towards the end of each liturgical year, the Church reflects upon the end of time. “The ‘resurrection of all the dead’… will precede [Christ’s coming] ‘in his glory, and all the angels with him…. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will...
Christ showed his disciples repeatedly that he’s not a God of lip service. What he says, he does. In fact, his word is effective and performative—it does what it says. When he said, “Let there be light,” there was light. When...
Our Lord knows what he is doing. The parable of today’s Gospel mentions how the master gave these talents “each according to his ability.” We can be confident that he expects us to use what he has given us for his glory. It is...
“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” This leper desperately wanted to be cured, yet he approached the Lord in homage and asked, “If you wish.” What humility! Here is a lesson for me. When I pray, I don’t tell God what...
We can certainly surmise, looking around at our current culture, that there are many broad roads leading to destruction. But, as faithful followers of Christ, how are we expected to respond to Our Lord’s description of the narrow and...
St. Augustine taught of the Eucharist, “Behold the mystery of your salvation laid out for you; behold what you are, become what you receive.” When we eat regular food, it is transformed and becomes part of us. But in a mysterious way, when...